Sunday, May 22, 2011

Synchronizing the Drive, Directory, and File List Boxes Example

Savings Account - Decisions

1.   Here, we modify the Savings Account project to allow entering any three values and computing the fourth.  First, add a third command button that will clear all of the text boxes. Assign the following properties:
                        Caption                      Clear &Boxes
                        Name                         cmdClear
      The form should look something like this when you’re done:

2.   Code the cmdClear button Click event:
      Private Sub cmdClear_Click ()
      ‘Blank out the text boxes
      txtDeposit.Text = ""
      txtInterest.Text = ""
      txtMonths.Text = ""
      txtFinal.Text = ""
      End Sub

This code simply blanks out the four text boxes when the Clear button is clicked.

3.      Code the KeyPress event for the txtFinal object:

Private Sub txtFinal_KeyPress (KeyAscii As Integer)
      ‘Only allow number keys, decimal point, or backspace
      If (KeyAscii >= vbKey0 And KeyAscii <= vbKey9) Or KeyAscii = vbKeyDecPt Or KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then
      Exit Sub
  KeyAscii = 0
End If
End Sub

We need this code because we can now enter information into the Final Value text box.

4.      The modified code for the Click event of the cmdCalculate button is:

Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click()
Dim IntRate As Single
Dim IntNew As Single
Dim Fcn As Single, FcnD As Single
‘Read the four text boxes
Deposit = Val(txtDeposit.Text)
Interest = Val(txtInterest.Text)
IntRate = Interest / 1200
Months = Val(txtMonths.Text)
Final = Val(txtFinal.Text)
‘Determine which box is blank
‘Compute that missing value and put in text box
If txtDeposit.Text = "" Then
‘Deposit missing
  Deposit = Final / (((1 + IntRate) ^ Months - 1) / IntRate)
  txtDeposit.Text = Format(Deposit, "#####0.00")
ElseIf txtInterest.Text = "" Then
‘Interest missing - requires iterative solution
  IntNew = (Final / (0.5* Months * Deposit) - 1) / Months
    IntRate = IntNew
    Fcn = (1 + IntRate) ^ Months - Final * IntRate / Deposit - 1
    FcnD = Months * (1 + IntRate) ^ (Months - 1) - Final / Deposit
    IntNew = IntRate - Fcn / FcnD
  Loop Until Abs(IntNew - IntRate) < 0.00001 / 12
  Interest = IntNew * 1200
  txtInterest.Text = Format(Interest, "##0.00")
ElseIf txtMonths.Text = "" Then
‘Months missing
  Months = Log(Final * IntRate / Deposit + 1) / Log(1 + IntRate)
  txtMonths.Text = Format(Months, "###.0")
ElseIf txtFinal.Text = "" Then
‘Final value missing
  Final = Deposit * ((1 + IntRate) ^ Months - 1) / IntRate
  txtFinal.Text = Format(Final, "#####0.00")
End If
End Sub       

In this code. we first read the text information from all four text boxes and based on which one is blank, compute the missing information and display it in the corresponding text box.  Solving for missing Deposit, Months, or Final information is a straightforward manipulation of the equation given in Example 2-2.

If the Interest value is missing, we have to solve an Mth-order polynomial using something called Newton-Raphson iteration - a good example of using a Do loop.  Finding the Interest value is straightforward.  What we do is guess at what the interest is, compute a better guess (using Newton-Raphson iteration), and repeat the process (loop) until the old guess and the new guess are close to each other.  You can see each step in the code.

5.      Test and save your application.  Go home and relax.


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