Saturday, May 14, 2011

Control structures - 1.Branching - 2. Case

Select Case - Another Way to Branch

     In addition to If/Then/Else type statements, the Select Case format can be used when there are multiple selection possibilities.

Select Case marks
Case 0 to 39
Case 39 to 40
Case 41 to 50
Case 51 to 60
Case Else
End Select

·         Say we've written this code using the If statement:
            If Age = 5 Then
              Category = "Five Year Old"
            ElseIf Age >= 13 and Age <= 19 Then
              Category = "Teenager"
            ElseIf (Age >= 20 and Age <= 35) Or Age = 50 Or (Age >= 60 and Age <= 65) Then
              Category = "Special Adult"
            ElseIf Age > 65 Then
              Category = "Senior Citizen"
              Category = "Everyone Else"
            End If
The corresponding code with Select Case would be:
Select Case Age
              Case 5
                Category = "Five Year Old"
              Case 13 To 19
                Category = "Teenager"
              Case 20 To 35, 50, 60 To 65
                Category = "Special Adult"
              Case Is > 65
                Category = "Senior Citizen"
              Case Else
                Category = "Everyone Else"
            End Select
Notice there are several formats for the Case statement.  Consult on-line help for discussions of these formats.

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Select Case List1.ListIndex
Case 0
            MsgBox ("Fiest name")
Case 1
            MsgBox ("second name")
Case 2
            MsgBox ("Thired name")
Case 3
            MsgBox ("fourth name")
End Select
End Sub

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